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Overcoming Procrastination


Procrastination, the thief of time, let’s face it, from time to time we all do it. It’s horrible when it happens and a HUGE waste of time. Once you finally do what you’ve been putting off getting done for so long it doesn’t seem as bad as you thought it would be.   Sometimes just doing what you need to get done can feel like a monster until you have dug into it.

Writing an article, paper or long email might be daunting to some.  Taking hours upon hours or even days to get started is just a type of writer’s block.  If you were to simply outline the project you’re working on, it gets the ball rolling.

A lot of the procrastination comes when you try to avoid a project for as long as you possibly can.  It keeps nagging at you as you think about it or see it on your reminder list of things to get done.

With all that dreadful talk about procrastination here are some things that will help avoid procrastination in the future.

1. Just do it. Yes, that may be easier said than done. But once you get into a project that you have been putting off for a long time, it gets easier once you just put your mind to getting it done. No matter how much you hate it.  You don’t even have to hate it, it could be you don’t know how to do it and it seems overwhelming at first.  But you have to start somewhere, overwhelmed or not.

2. Unless you make time to complete your dreaded project it won’t get done.  You have to make yourself do it.  Set some time aside that is strictly for working on whatever. Schedule an hour or two just for that task. This way you will sit down and solely focus on it.  Find someone to help you that can give you some pointers or walk you through so you can do it next time by yourself.  Now a days, you can Google almost anything for help.

3. Once you have overcome your procrastination and completed a project you have been dreading, keep doing it regularly until it becomes easy or even enjoyable.

4. If your project involves work that doesn’t require you to use your brain that much or you are able to think about other things while doing it, then day dream a little about something you enjoy while conducting your project.  If that will harm your productivity then play some music that you enjoy. If possible crank the music up and enjoy the music as you work. This may sound dumb and truthfully it is a little foolish, but none the less it can really helped you get projects done that you hate.

My procrastination comes from not understanding how to do it or not thinking I can do it.  I have found that I need to do it myself, over and over and over until I get it.  With the right push and time to figure it out I have learned more in the last 6 months and kept my mind active.  I am learning new things every day.  It is so easy to do the things you feel comfortable and procrastinate on things you don’t understand.  As human beings, we need to push ourselves, to learn new things every day or our life becomes stagnant.  When we do overcome our procrastination project, we feel so much better and wonder why we didn’t do it sooner.  SO JUST DO IT!

Why do you procrastinate?  How do you finally get the project done?

Written by Pam Prusha with some content taken from Smart Agents Work Smarter (Jan. 14, 2016)

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