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Showroom-Ready Details That Sell Your House

Like many adults, you may be busy with work, marriage, children, and all the other responsibilities in your life.  And now you have to get your home ready for sale.  This may feel like an impossible, overwhelming task, but with some prioritization, you can have your house showroom-ready in no time. 

There is no need to completely overhaul your entire house to sell it, and that won’t fiscally benefit you in the long run.  Instead, focus on these few specific details that are important to a prospective buyer.

Curb Appeal

The first impression of your home is that from the outside on the curb.  If your home could use a little TLC, don’t assume you have to spend thousands of dollars remodeling the exterior.  According to Realtor, there are a few inexpensive ways to make a big impression on the outside of your home.  Focus on the little details like the paint on the front door, a clean pressure-washed exterior, and some beautiful potted plants to greet the buyers.  Spending a little money on low-maintenance landscaping will go a long way toward boosting your curb appeal.

Declutter Every Space

Once you have the exterior of your home under control, you need to turn your focus inward.  Unlike an everyday tidying, it is important to organize and declutter every single space in your house.  People viewing your home want to see all the space and how it can be utilized.  This includes even the smallest areas like your spice cabinets, junk drawers, and linen closet.  Go through everything and either box it up, toss it or donate it. Once you have a hefty portion of your belongings out of the way, consider taking it all to a short-term storage unit so you know it’s safe and out of the way.

Neutralize Your Home

After you have cleaned and decluttered every corner of your house, it’s time to look at your rooms with a new perspective.  You may have a wonderful boho sense of style, but the teal dining room may not appeal to everyone.  According to HomeLight, the best paint colors to use are beige, white, and gray.  The goal is to have an attractive neutral palette, so take care when choosing which beige or gray you’d like to use in each space.  In addition to the wall colors, the décor in your home should also be neutral.  Remove any knick-knacks or family photos to create a minimal yet attractive décor design.  A prospective buyer should not be distracted by your personal style while trying to envision themselves in your home.

Last-Minute Showings

Despite your best efforts to schedule all your showings around your own busy calendar, there will inevitably be a last-minute showing, and you need to quickly prepare your house.  Hopefully, you have already been maintaining the cleanliness of your home each day.  This makes it easier for quick cleans.

Tidy up residual clutter into bins to store in the garage.  Wipe down each counter surface, especially in the kitchen and bathroom.  Open the curtains and blinds to let as much natural light in as possible.  The final touch is the smell of your home.  Before you add any new scents, you need to ensure you’ve removed any bad odors – take out the trash, clean out the garbage disposal, and find any other sources of unpleasant smells.  Then light a candle or fill a diffuser with a palatable scent like citrus, cinnamon or vanilla, leaving your home clean and inviting.

Focus on these few steps and find the time each day to keep your house clean.  Doing so means you will always be showroom-ready, and hopefully, the right buyer will walk through your door in no time.

Sent in by Kris Louis, Lead Blogger of

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